Community service orders and financial penalties for employees driving license office


On Tuesday, April 9 th  2019, the Court of First Instance ruled in criminal proceedings against five of the six suspects in the case called "Kaya". This involves three employees from the Bureau for Exams and Driving Licenses (BEAR), the former head of that organization and two mediators. The suspects are accused that they have issued (or have delivered) driving licenses against payment to persons who had not taken a driving test and to other persons who were not entitled to a driving license from Curacao. The two mediators paid "customers" for a fee who wanted to get a driver's license illegally in this way.

This morning the judge ruled on five of the six cases. These five cases were confessed suspects. The employees of the driving license office each received a 140-hour work sentence, a conditional fine from Naf. 2,500 and a denial to hold any position with the government for three years.

A mediator has received a work sentence of 100 hours, plus a conditional fine from Naf. 2,500. The other mediator, who is in poor health, received a suspended sentence plus an unconditional fine from Naf. 2,500 .--.

The judge told suspects that if the criminal case had not been around for so long (the facts date from 2012-2013) they would have received an unconditional prison sentence.

The sixth suspect, the former head of BEAR, denies the accusations. In his case, the court ruled on  April 29th 2019.

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